
The Amazing Bubble Man – Warwick Arts Centre
(Written by Liz Alexander)
This show was part of Warwick Arts Centre’s extensive and carefully thought out half term events programme and I was intrigued to see just how much entertainment could be gained from bubbles so was looking forward to seeing what the show had to offer.
We arrived at Warwick Arts Centre and parking was easy and there was plenty of it. Our tickets were clearly marked with what door to go to and our seat numbers but there were plenty of staff on hand to help with where to go.
We entered the theatre and it was full to brim with excited families. The theatre was cool, airy and modern and booster seats were available for smaller guests. The seating was also arranged in such a way that regardless of where they were, everyone got a good view and being slightly ‘steeper’ ensured that there was no risk of sitting behind someone particularly tall and having our view obstructed!
The show began in typical Warwick Arts Centre style with live music and the Amazing Bubble Man was introduced. He entered the stage and wowed the audience and then introduced himself. His humour was brilliant and he cleverly managed to appeal to all audience members with jokes that were appreciated by adults but still entertaining to the children in the audience.
The bubble show displayed the Amazing Bubble Man’s skills wonderfully with a full hour of wowing from the audience but he also managed to throw in a bit of science too, in case anyone was wondering how his amazing tricks were even possible.
The show itself including bubbles filled with smoke, clever light displays and even audience members being immersed from head to toe in a bubble!
Being a children’s show, it would not have been complete without the opportunity for some audience participation and this was delivered brilliantly with plenty of surprises in store.
The show continued to wow and just when the audience thought that no more was even possible, the grand finale ensured the entire audience erupted into cheers. Children were invited to the stage area to immerse themselves in more bubbles and it seemed that the entire audience, my son included, were truly delighted with the show!
After the show, there was the opportunity to purchase merchandise, which the Amazing Bubble Man himself was selling. The prices were reasonable and I feel that many children left the show ready to perform their own ‘bubble showcase’ at home. – I know mine certainly did!
Overall, the show entertained from start to finish and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone wanting an entertaining afternoon with something that people of any age can enjoy.
Unfortunately, there are no more UK shows planned for the Amazing Bubble Man, but I would recommend looking out for his next trip to the UK – Visit

(Written by Charlotte Steel)
Amazing Bubble Man lives up to the hype. Here we have a man doing consistently amazing things with bubbles!
It seems like most of what is feasible to do with a bubble and / or multiple bubbles he’s doing here. With humour, scientific explanations and panache the Amazing Bubble Man conjures trick after trick with the help of an intriguing array of bubble apparatus. There are square bubbles, rocket and snow globe bubbles, caterpillar bubbles, disco bubbles, bubbles so big they swallow a child whole… you name it, there’s probably a bubble trick in there somewhere!
There are ample opportunities for audience participation for those game enough and willing to get splattered with bubble liquid and / or squirted at with a water pistol.
Part of the experience is being in a (practically) sold out huge venue, alongside hundreds of other enthralled kids and their accompanying adults. My 3 year old loves bubbles and she was definitely into this. A big part of its family appeal I think is that there’s something in the show for all ages.
My mini reviewer said: “Amazing!” and “That’s a big bubble!” and “Can I pop one?”
4 STARS ****

Bruce Bunch – Audience

Hamish Todd – Audience

The New Zealand Performing Arts Review
Oh my lord – science has never been such fun; so entertaining, artistic and cool!
Louis Pearl is extraordinary. Geek-ish in a good way, low-key and almost shy, he is not your usual energized, over-happy children’s theatre performer. Quite the opposite. Louis doesn’t try to hype up the kids or milk gags or applause. Instead this fascinating and passionate bubble-lover chooses to let the bubbles speak for themselves. He could also be described as an accessible scientist who creates performance art, or an unusual visual artist who creates science.
While it’s essentially a solo show, a well-positioned onstage cameraman and large screen, ensure everyone fully appreciates the process, as well as the end result, by capturing every detail. Louis surrounds himself with a simple, funky set made up of bright gobos and projections, which conjure up a mad scientist’s lab. The show starts and ends with a rainfall of gentle bubbles cascading into the front of the auditorium.

Edinburgh Festival by ThreeWeeks
Unlike a magician, who must maintain a distant mystique, the Amazing Bubble Man is able to create an immediate rapport with his young audience based upon a shared, enthusiastic love of bubbles. If his bubbles don’t get you, his witty asides will, and by the end of this forty-five minute show, your spirits will be soaring up with the helium-filled bubbles floating about the ceiling. Square bubbles, bubbles inside bubbles, fog-filled bubbles, cute three year olds inside bubbles, solar system bubbles, edible bubbles. Oh, for heaven’s sake, just go.

Fest Magazine by Tom Hackett
The range and beauty of the effects really has to be seen to be believed and anyone who doubts that bubbles can fill almost an hour of stage time will be very pleasantly surprised. Pearl delivers a breathtaking show for those of us who love them. In some really gasp-inducing sequences he uses a canister of stage smoke to create, for example, the illusion of an opaque cube spinning inside a bubble cluster.

The Amazing Bubbleman 4**** – One4Review
The Amazing Bubbleman does live up to his name – it is a wonder what he can do with simple bubbles. Every child loves blowing bubbles, but the wide age range was surprisingly attentive throughout watching someone else getting to play!
From bubble chains to bouncing bubbles, giant ones, bubbles that move up a rope, and even getting his bubble fans kissing bubbles, there’s a lot of fun and silliness. Then he breaks out the smoke gun, making the lines between bubbles clearer, and more interesting. This is followed by steam, to make bubbles rise.
His musician keeps the mood with music through the quiet bits, then he takes his time to banter with the audience, before embarking on some popping experiments, and getting out a water pistol.
Bubbles rose to the ceiling, while others sprinkled down onto the front few rows. No one could object about the lack of bubbles, and the variety of things you can do with them. I’d have loved a little more of the science of how it all worked, but we were all entranced by the never-ending bubbles.
Reviewed by Gill